A Nerdy View of the World

A thought just popped in my head

and of course, I immediately had to share my "genius".

Imagine if people could self organize in the real world. If money and location were no object, and people were sensible and fair.

Somebody who likes rules and order could move to be with other people who feel the same. It might end up being a place like Singapore, where punishment for infractions are HARSH, but otherwise, it seems a great place to live. Somewhere like that isn't a problem for people who like to stay in the lines.

People could collect and form societies based on how they want to live. Want no rules and regulations? There's a place for that. A place where everybody believes in the same deity as you and worships in the same way? OK. A place for you too.

Natural resources would, of course, come in play. If people were sensible, and the world was magic, they would live where the resources match their skills and interests. People who love planting, growing, and working with the land? Obviously, let them run the farms and live where the land is good for growing.

I imagine a world like this would quickly realize that communities needed one another. What if people were about having enough to be healthy and happy, and not about hoarding and keeping things for themselves? If one community couldn't take by force from another community, so they HAD to work together, I wonder what the world would be like. Imagine if people realized that every job was important, and people who work and contribute in a society deserve to earn enough to have shelter, food, and quality of life.

Imagine if "growth" wasn't what every business or culture sought, but "balance" instead? There would be no more need to overpopulate the planet because of economies that are essentially pyramid schemes, and no more need for enshittification just to keep shareholders happy.

Just imagine what our world could be like if we all just, collectively, sucked less.